
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

NDP? Why Not?

I live in a stronghold of the BC NDP party, and with the BC Provincial election on 14MAY, if the most recent polls are any indication, not only will our local NDP candidate get in, but the party will form the BC Government until 2018.

Being of a certain vintage, I have seen the results of a variety of government policies over the last 40 years, and based on past experience, I cannot in good faith support the NDP as without exception over the last four decades they have spent funds on social programs without the corresponding income being generated to offset the costs, therefore running annual deficits which adds to the deficit.

Mr. Dix has promised to be different – making one practical change at a time, but is still forecasting five years of deficit budgeting (at least he is saying so up front).

The choices we have in Skeena are not much better, between the Christian Heritage Party with radical policies based on the Bible, independent and green candidates that nobody has heard of, the Conservative Party that is far too bigoted for my liking, and finally the BC Liberals who have a recent track record of ignoring citizen voices (Enbridge [Northern Gateway], Kinder-Morgan, HST, DWI laws, government relationship with Teachers, etc.).

At this time I am considering it is better the devil I know, rather than the unknown of NDP political promises. :-(

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